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Ask These Questions to Avoid Event Wireless Problems

Event Planners Should Ask These Seven Questions About Venue Wireless Before They Sign on The Dotted Line.

As event technology nerds at MB4 Productions, we often field questions about venue wireless for our clients. While MB4 Productions is not an internet services provider, many of our solutions like webcast, live stream, and our digital meeting solution (our light event app) depend on a quality wireless setting. In this day and age, quality wireless is an expectation. Attendees, presenters, event planners and suppliers alike all expect to have access whenever and wherever they are, especially at events. Yet, oftentimes, event planners do not know what questions to ask to ensure the venue will meet the wireless demands of their event. While we have a much more extensive list of up to twenty great questions, we have narrowed it down to our top seven most important questions to ask a venue to avoid event wireless problems: 

1. What is the maximum number of simultaneous connections for the network?

2. What is the ratio of access points to expected devices?

3. What are the locations of the wireless access points?

4. Can I count on qualified technical support throughout the entire event?

5. Is there a dedicated amount of bandwidth specifically for my event?  

6. What are the internet upload/download speeds?  

7. Can I speak with a recent client who a similar event in the venue?

Also, remember this conversation is best had before the event space has been contracted. Having the wireless discussion in advance gives a planner the information they need about the wireless scenario as a fit for their event, allows for the most bargain power and provides the option to amend the contract to include external wifi services as needed. Our team is always happy to help with these conversations and contracts, contact us anytime!

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